Okay, I know I already blogged today, but I had a few good moments today. I am a pretty serious person, and one of my biggest flaws is that I'm often negative. I know that I'm an extremely blessed person, and am so glad to have my family and lifestyle, but sometimes the everyday problems blind me from that.
So when I had these two little moments, I just knew I would want to remember them. It is the little things that we should remember. So here they are!
One: I have been lying on the couch all day, just resting my ankle, when my grandpa asked me if I wanted a banana split. Of course, I said yes, and he asked, "Small, medium, or large?" So I said "Medium." Ten minutes later, he brings me this MASSIVE bowl of ice cream, and we just started laughing hysterically. I took a picture, and accidentally deleted it :/
Two: I'm watching a movie with the kiddos (Christian, Olivia, and Adelaide) and Olivia suddenly wants water. So she walks over to the kitchen, and Adelaide declares, "I want water too!" and grabs my water instead of following Olivia. It was hilarious to me that Adelaide was so observant. Then she goes starts to drink it, and screams, "THERE'S NO ICE!!!!!!!!!!" It seriously could have been a meme, where they show 1st world problems.
Anyway, these were small moments, but they say it is the little things in life that makes all the crappy things worthwhile. So yay for cute moments!
haha I wish I could've seen Adelaide saying that!!