Friday, May 18, 2012

In the course of a year...

Well. Today is the last day of high school for most of my friends back in high school. So it got me thinking: What has changed in that course of a year? Have I grown to be better, done any good, or progressed in any way? So I've decided to make yet another list... Just to see what has changed.
  • Last summer, I worked full time. So boring. Definitely proved that I do not want to work a minimum wage job ever again.
  • I watched Ken's kids more than ever. I could definitely call myself a pro.
  • I moved away from home... Not too difficult of a feat, but a trial nonetheless.
  • I lived with people I've never known before... Which was interesting. I really learned how to compromise and to get along with people that are very different from myself.
  • I kinda dated an older guy... for a week. Tells you that older does not always mean more mature. 
  • On the other hand, kinda dated someone my age... for a week.  Again, maturity is a huge issue with guys.
  • I learned how much I miss home. Or, I should say family. They really are everything.
  • I got decent grades last semester... nothing below a B, but I learned how disappointing a B can be. 
  • I made many new friends... and lost some old ones. I really learned how to determine if something is worth keeping.
  • I learned how to cook... ALONE! I've always just been on the side, chopping vegetables, not doing the whole process. It's been great! 
  • I've learned that getting 6 people to cooperate for dishes may be the most difficult task. EVER.
  • What else... Life is expensive! 
  • Physically, I've gotten a wee bit taller... and rounder.
  •  My hair has lightened and lengthened, my face has slightly changed. I have gotten glasses, which I personally think makes me look much more serious. 
  • As weird as this is, my taste buds have matured. Panda Express is no longer the treat it once was, but rather greasy disgustingness. 
  • Oh, here is a BIG one: I eat cheerios, without the honey flavor, or without added sugar. Why? Apparently, it has vitamins that I need at this stage in life. And it's healthier. I guess I'm saying that food priorities have changed. 
  • I can pull all-nighters anymore. If I get a wink under 8ish hours, I'm dead. 
  • My taste in guys has changed... A lot. 
  • OH! I turned down that offer from Disneyworld... Big step. Learned that sometimes the exciting option isn't the right one. 
There are sooooo many more things that I could list. I've made a handful of mistakes, but generally, I feel that a year has done me well. I don't know if I have grown towards who I want to be, but I think I've figured out who I want to be, which is a big step in itself. I guess now I can only imagine how much I will grow in the next year... Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this just now. It's weird to look back, but it's pretty cool. Time sure has flied, eh?
