Wednesday, June 6, 2012


One of my roommates just broke up with her boyfriend of 4 days. It was too big of a "commitment." I am one of those extreme commitment phobes, who hasn't had a relationship )other than one my freshman year of high school, which OBVIOUSLY doesn't count) that has lasted more than a week...

Then I pondered on what it was... meaning I looked it up on


[kuh-mit-muhnt] Show IPA
the act of committing.
the state of being committed.
the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.
a pledge or promise; obligation: We have made a commitment to pay our bills on time.
engagement; involvement: They have a sincere commitment to religion.

So this got me thinking. What have I committed to? What decisions have I made that will last or require effort for more than a month? I've thought about it, and there were only 5 things I could think of.
  • A profession. If I could even call it being committed, considering I'm only in my second semester of getting my bachelors. 
  • Hulu plus: I know, pathetic. 7 bucks a month so I can watch any season of any show. It's my only subscription, and I love it. I'm starting Grey's Anatomy from the beginning... woo!
  • This one isn't in effect quite yet, but my next rent contract for winter semester at the Ivy. Ya... Not too exciting. 
  • A car. I'm buying Ken's car at the end of the semester, which will be the most expensive thing I own as of yet (other than my education, of course).
  • My religion. I know I will be LDS for LIFE. It's who I am. 
That was seriously all I could think of. I wondered if this made me pathetic, but realized I couldn't really judge as I'm too young to know. But it was kind of sad that other than religion, none of these things are going to make me an even remotely better person (wanting to be a PA doesn't quite count. Not yet at least).  Seriously. Hulu Plus, rent, and a car. Things that won't make a difference in ten years.

I guess my lesson from today is that I need to get a life, not that I need to commit to big things like relationships or anything right now, but to commit to small things that will make a difference in the future, like experiences. But then again, isn't college life in itself a commitment? This is too deep for a person that is sleep deprived. So that's all for today. Woo.