Friday, June 1, 2012


For those of my LDS friends, you know when you are teaching nursery and a little kid is fine when their parents drop them off, and the idiot parent comes back to peek through the window, sending the kid in a temper tantrum? I feel like the little kid, and that by going home last weekend I am freaking out and can think of nothing else. I've been at school for about six months now, and I'm done, yet I have 49 days left. UGHH.

Other updates include...

  • My beef stew incident. Yesterday, I spent a good amount of time preparing this stew for my crockpot (roughly 3 pm). I patiently waited 4ish hours, only to learn that I had failed to plug the crockpot in. So I had to wait another 4ish hours, which ended up totally being worth it. So good. 
  • Well, my roommates don't read this, so I think I'm safe... SO MUCH DRAMA! Ughhh. I hate that we can't be adults. 
  • I have had LOADS of homework and studying, some of which I'm avoiding right now. 
That's about it. My life wasn't as exciting as I think it was. I'm currently watching Pride and Prejudice... And I'm so sad that Mr. Darcy is nonexistent. Seriously. I would marry him in a frickin heartbeat. Let's just say he's bewitched me body and soul...

So au revoir, I shall go eat oreos and adore his amazingness. 

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