Friday, March 9, 2012

Confession sept


I got a 93% on my first math test!! Whooo!!! I'm super pumped.

Anyway, today's blog shall be about the people most important to me, and my favorite memory of them. Not that a ton of people read this, (if anyone even does at all), but please don't be offended if you aren't on here. I love you anyway. Maybe.

Okay. So my dad would be first. My favorite memory with him would be watching the Librarian trilogy back to back. We are total mythology nerds, and I loved that we both understood all of the funny jokes.

Then it would be Brooke. Brooke is one of my top dogs. If you were to look at my most called list, it starts with Brooke.  Umm, My favorite memory would probably be laughing over the phone with her while we look at Pinterest. Seriously. We talk about clothes, stupid boys, hilariousness, failures, and successes. I don't know how sane I'd be without her, and her ridiculous Lake Oswego language.

Then it's Corner!!! Corner and I fight a lot. I have known her longer than anyone else in my life, and she is the opposite of me. I would have to say one of my favorite memories with her would be Dutch Bros. runs and Prom shopping. I found her dress, and that was so awesome for me to be there.  

Then it's Laura and Aaron! Laura is like my big sister. I pretty much stalk her by excessively calling her, asking for recipes and whatnot. My favorite memory with them would have to be along the idea of just seeing movies or making food together. There is nothing like Lala's orange chicken and lettuce wraps.

Then it's Ken! Ken is kinda like my big brother. Seriously. I don't know the last time I have made a big decision in life without asking him first. I love his kids, and just partying it up (a.k.a. doing nothing). favorite memory... Probably just our long talks. Or, definitely going to Burger King and having him order as if he was Borat. Oh ya.

My Grandparents! They are all pretty awesome. Gpa Marshall and I would just drive for 7 hours straight together, Grandma Marshall taught me to quilt, Gpa Collins would always give me excessive amounts of candy, and Grandma Collins made me my prized quilt. I seriously LOVE that quilt.

And last but not least, my sbffft&e Allyson!!! Where do I start with her?? She's pretty much been my bff since we went to Portland together almost 3 years ago. I love that girl to death. I don't think I could label a favorite time with her, every running/no-bake/venting/lightning dancing/driving/Dutch Bros./road trip/Target party was awesome. I miss her so much! I hope our creations of ridiculous inside jokes never cease.

There are sooo many other people in my life that I love and care about, but these people are such an amazing influence of who I am. I love y'all!

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